Bank and Browse Safely with Quick Heal Antivirus

Bank and Browse Safely with Quick Heal Antivirus

Ever notice how your day starts with a quick scroll through your social media feeds or a swift search on your search engine? Then, as the day progresses, do you find yourself hopping from one online shopping platform to another, exploring new sites and comparing prices? Do you seamlessly switch between messaging apps, emails, and social media, connecting with friends, family, and colleagues? And when it’s time to handle your finances, do you rely on the convenience of online banking and digital payments to keep everything in check?

If these scenarios sound familiar, you’re not alone!

The Digital Consumer and the Surge in Online Transactions

From connecting and communicating to learning, researching, and ultimately making purchasing decisions, the digital consumer leverages technology and online platforms at every turn.  As per, in the third quarter of 2023, people were online for an average of six hours and 40 minutes each day. Moreover, the Government’s latest Press Release on Digital Payments, reports that over the past few years, digital transactions in India have seen a remarkable surge. From around 2.07 billion transactions in the financial year 2017-18, the number skyrocketed to approximately 8.84 billion transactions by the financial year 2021-22. These figures indicate the significant transformation and widespread adoption of digital payment methods across India, making transactions more accessible and convenient for all.

So, here’s the question – With digital transactions on the rise, is the average user taking due precautions against personal and financial online risks ? In this blog we will dive into the current digital landscape, to uncover key insights and unlock the means for you to engage, connect and transact online, securely.

The Need for Digital Protection in the Interconnected Age

The recently published India Cyber Report 2023 presented shocking statistics highlighting the urgent need for reliable digital protection tools. More so, the pressing necessity to lessen the risks and safeguard against evolving threats is evident. The alarming highlights were:

  • Over 400 million detections recorded with the average rate of 761 per minute.
  • 5% of all detections are based on behaviors, adding up to around 49 million instances.
  • Sophisticated tactics of Ransomware and Malware are being used to evade traditional detection methods, with 1 per 650 detections for ransomware and 1 per 38,000 detections for malware.
  • Rise of crypto jacking poses a significant threat, with over 5.28 million detections in a single year.
  • The impact is felt across various industries, with the automobile sector leading in detections, followed closely by the government and education sectors.
  • Android devices face an average of approximately 3 attacks per month per device in 2023.

As digital citizens in an increasingly interconnected world, safeguarding yourself against the rising menace of cyber threats is paramount. With cybercriminals constantly evolving their tactics, the risk of financial loss is ever increasing, and traditional security measures may not suffice. That’s why utilizing advanced digital protection tools like antivirus software becomes crucial.

Antivirus software serves as a powerful shield, detecting and neutralizing malware, phishing attempts, and other online threats that could compromise your sensitive data and financial security. Prominent brands like Quick Heal stand out as a trusted ally in our unignorable fight against cybercrime.

India’s #1 Antivirus is also the Safest for Browsing and Banking, recognised by AV Labs Poland

Quick Heal has recently secured certification from AVLab Cybersecurity Foundation, Poland, for its Safe Browser & Safe Banking feature. This accomplishment establishes Quick Heal as a global leader in cybersecurity and marks it as the sole Indian cybersecurity company to attain such prestigious recognition. AVLab Cybersecurity Foundation, Poland, is recognized globally as one of the leading testing laboratories. As members of the non-profit work group AMTSO (Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization) amidst the international expert community, they strive to enhance the transparency, objectivity, and quality of security software tests.

Quick Heal’s Safe Browser & Safe Banking features had to undergo a rigorous two-month evaluation, against seven other renowned cybersecurity solutions providers. AVLabs’ testing methodology, aligned with industry standards, simulated real-world cyber threats using actual malware. Quick Heal scored 100% across all safety parameters, including protection against system clipboard hijacking, keystroke logging, and remote control of the computer, highlighting its unmatched effectiveness in safeguarding users against online banking attacks.

This certification is a testament to Quick Heal’s dedication to excellence, innovation, and creating a safer digital environment for users worldwide. It reflects the company’s ongoing commitment to staying ahead of evolving cybersecurity threats and providing cutting-edge solutions that prioritize user safety.

Quick Heal v24: What it offers, apart from the above accreditation.

Security and Privacy Score

Quick Heal’s latest version of products have prioritized user-experience with a simplified UI that is easily accessible to users of all ages and technical backgrounds. With easy-to-understand visual reports, users are provided with personalized assessments of their device security and privacy status, alongside actionable recommendations for improvement. Digital Safety that not only protects but also empowers!

AI-Enabled Cyber Security Solution

Quick Heal products leverage GoDeep.AI, a self-aware malware-hunting innovation, bolstering protection against emerging threats without compromising system performance.

Supported by India’s Largest Malware Labs

Supported by real-time threat intelligence from SEQRITE labs, India’s largest malware analysis facility, our focus is on constant innovation to enhance predictive, detective, and defense mechanisms against known and unknown threats, utilizing the latest digitally advanced technologies. Seqrite, Quick Heal’s cyber security solutions for enterprises.

Patent-Backed Innovation:

Quick Heal products are reinforced by a series of international patents. These patents demonstrate Quick Heal’s commitment to innovation, and development of robust technologies that go beyond conventional antivirus solutions. With a focus on anti-ransomware, malware detection in data streams, and behavior-based detection, these patented technologies ensure a proactive and effective defense against the latest threats, setting a clear standard for cybersecurity in today’s dynamic digital landscape.


With this enhanced feature users can effortlessly manage the security and privacy for their family’s devices with just a click from a single console. This feature also includes easy managing subscriptions, smart parenting tools, and anti-theft measures, and ensures that users get a smooth and synchronized cybersecurity experience across all their devices. Users can now focus on what matters knowing that their entire household is in secure hands.

Bot Removal Kit

Quick Heal, in partnership with the Central Government’s Cyber Swachhta Kendra (CSK) initiative, has created a bot removal tool to safeguard Indian citizens from digital threats. With Quick Heal’s bot removal tool users can identify and eliminate harmful bots, which threaten privacy and computer performance. Although not the same as viruses, bots can be more menacing due to their ability to communicate, adapt, and form powerful botnets.

Not just that, with Quick Heal’s Premium Customer Support users can now experience peace of mind and reliable 24/7 assistance as you explore your digital world with confidence!


By leveraging Quick Heal’s new and improved, cutting-edge features, robust security protocols and added enhancements users can now fearlessly navigate the digital landscape, knowing their financial assets and personal information are in good hands – safe against potential threats.

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